Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/126

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Catalogue of Brand Material.

Noticed in Documents


- Lines. (Sleaford). ,, ,, - - Worcestersh. (Worcester

Priory) . and others recorded by Brand and Hone. Hockenbench," a seat near the Maypole (Aubrey) - - - Wilts.

Local Business Transacted.

Court leet (still held) - - - Rent of shops payable to hospital (1222) ----- " Service of the Wardstaff " Kissing Day or Hockney Day. (Commoners summoned by horn : jury chosen, tithing-men appointed, who go round town demanding a id. from each man and a kiss from each woman. At supper they drink to the memory of John of Gaunt, traditional grantor of their liber- ties. Still observed)



Essex (Ongar, Harlow).

Berks. (Hungerford).

{To be continued.^)