Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/143

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Minutes of Meetings.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 17th, 1916.

The President (Dr. R. R. Marett) in the Chair.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

The Secretary read a letter from Lady Gomme acknowledging the letter of condolence on the death of Sir Laurence Gomme sent her by the President pursuant to the resolution passed at the meeting held on March 15th.

The election of Miss N. de L. Willis, Mr. Humphry J. T. Johnson, and Mrs. Scoresby Routledge as members of the Society was announced.

The deaths of Dr. Colley March, Mr. R. V. Russell, and Sir D. P. Masson; the resignations of Miss Ruth Hodson, Sir T. Morrison, and Prof. Van Gennep; and the withdrawal of the subscription of the Cambridge Public Library were also announced.

Miss Blackman read a paper entitled "The Magic Uses of Fire," and in the discussion which followed, the Chairman, Sir James Frazer, Mrs. Scoresby Routledge, Mr. Lovett, His Honour J. S. Udal, Mr. G. R. Carline, and Miss Burne took part.

Mr. Lovett exhibited a number of Fire-making appliances, and His Honour J. S. Udal some photographs illustrating fire customs in the Fiji Islands.

The meeting terminated with hearty votes of thanks to Miss Blackman for her paper, and to Mr. Lovett and His Honour J. S. Udal for their exhibits.