Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/142

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Minutes of Meetings.

succession), desire to put on record their deep sorrow at the fate which has deprived them of personal intercourse with a stimulating leader and ever-ready counsellor, together with their conviction that his work will live on, to guide many a future explorer along those paths which he was amongst the first to tread. They would also venture to offer their sympathy to Lady Gomme, who, in her husband's scientific pursuits, as in all else, proved herself a helpmeet worthy of the respect and homage of all who have been privileged to know them both.

It was further resolved that the foregoing resolution, incorporated in a letter from the President, be inscribed on vellum and sent to Lady Gomme.

Miss D. H. Moutray Read read a paper entitled "Some characteristics of Irish Folk-Lore," and in the discussion which followed, the Chairman, Miss Burne, Miss Hull, and Miss Hussey took part.

The meeting terminated with a hearty vote of thanks to Miss Moutray Read for her paper.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12th, 1916.

Dr. A. C. Haddon (Vice-President) in the Chair.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Letters of regret for inability to be present at the meeting from Dr. Gregory Foster, Mr. T. Fairman Ordish, and Miss Burne were read and received.

Dr. F. B. Jevons read a paper entitled "Masks and the origin of the Greek Drama," and in the discussion which followed, the Chairman, Sir James Frazer, Dr. Cook, Dr. Seligman, His Honour J. S. Udal, and Miss Freire Marreco took part.

The meeting terminated with a hearty vote of thanks to Dr. Jevons for his paper.