Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/141

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Vol. XXVII.]
JUNE, 1916.
[No. II.


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15th, 1916.

The President (Dr. R. R. Marett) in the Chair.

The minutes of the January meeting were read and confirmed.

The election of Miss Helen Fox as a new member was announced. The resignation of Miss A. J. Musson was also announced.

A letter from Miss Rhys acknowledging the resolution of condolence on the death of her father, Sir John Rhys, was read and received.

The President reported the death of Sir Laurence Gomme on Saturday, February 26th, and the following resolution, moved by the President and seconded by Mr. Longworth Dames, was carried unanimously, viz:

The friends and co-workers of Sir Laurence Gomme, who form the Folk-Lore Society which he did so much to create and foster (having been Hon. Secretary, then Director, and afterwards President for many years in