Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/229

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Catalogue of Bj^and Material.




I. Name.

Gaping or Gawping Saturday (the locality.

Saturday in Whit-week) - - Manchester.

II. General Observances.

(a) Things forbidden or unlucky. To cut nails on Whit Monday

brings ill-luck in love - Locality ?. (6) Things enjoined.

To wear new clothes - - Yorks. (E Riding).

Yorks. (W. Riding, Bol- ton b}^ Bowland).

Yorks. (Cleveland), Corn- wall. Sultolk.

Oxford (Middle Ages). South Salop (Severn

Valley). Warwickshire (Wootten

Wawen, i8th cent.).

,, otherwise the birds will foul you - - -

for luck ...

(c) Viands prescribed. Dole of milk given

Milk, clotted cream, junkets,

cream-cake . - -

Cheesecakes . . -


First gooseberry pie

Norfolk, N. (Arkengarth-


Durham, Yorks. dale) .


Suffolk, Staffs., Cheshire, Salop, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, Mid- dlesex.

Cakes (Aubrey).

Cakes made with layers of

paste, sugar and spices - Lines. [d) Observances with Plants.

Chaplets of roses worn (Chaucer, qy. ref. ?). Hazel wands carried in Club

procession - - - Sussex (Harting)

Beech-boughs marked out

highway - - - - Sussex (Harting)