Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/230

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Catalogue of Brand Material.

Churches adorned with Flowers - - -


- St. Aldhelm's Chapel, Purbeck Island. Flowers and asparagus (1835) Cheshire (Farndon).

Roses (1702) Birch-boughs

Yew - . - -

Budding twigs Churches strewn with : Rushes - - - -

Rushes and hay

Grass - - - -

" Flower Sermons " preached

Staffs. (Bilston). Herefs. (King's Pyon,

Ledbury) . Salop (Atcham, Hordley,

Kenley, Shrewsbury). Staffs. (Bilston). Suffolk (Raydon St.

Mary). Hants. (Monk Sherborne). Wore. (Shrawley). Herefsh. (Kingston). Essex (Heybridge).

Glos. (St. Mary Redcliff,

Sherrington). Ihid (South Cerney). Ihid. (Turley and Haw). Somerset (Yatton). London (St. Leonard's,

Shoreditch ; St. James'

Aldgate) .

Derbysh. Frith).


Devon ton).

(King's Teign-

{e) Observances with Waters.

Children suck liquorice-water from bottles on Whit Mon- day. Hence called " Bottl- ing Day " ^

Mill-leat dried Sunday even- ing. Lamb roasted in bed of stream . - _

" Font -hallowing," Whitsun Eve - - - _

(/) Games, Sports and Pastimes.

Dramatic performances (Mediaeval) : Civic (removed from Cor- pus Christi in 15th cent.) Norwich, Chester. ,, (performed by

scholars) - - - Shrewsbury.

1 This is the only Whitsuntide water-custom met with so far. Contrast Ascension Day and Trinity Sunday, and compare Irish Whitsuntide superstitions.

London (St.Mary at Hill).