Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/231

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Catalogue of Brand AlateriaL


Parochial (Churchwardens in church, 1552). - ,, (" Caymes Pageant," i6th cent.)

]\Iorris-dancins; -




Ball and other games as on

Shrove Tuesday Runaway-blow at fairs ' ' Cock-squailing ' ' (throwing

at cocks) - - - -

Kiss-in-the-ring or Drop handkerchief (called gages in N. Devon) -

Thread-the-Needle played at Greenwich Fair


Essex (Heybridge).

Reading. 1

S. Salop (Broseley, 1656). Glos. (Blakeney). Chester (1790). Oxon., Herefordshire. Berks. (Reading, Abing- don). Northants. (Brackley,

1766). Lanes. (Brindle). Glos. (Avening, Cherring-

ton). Salop (AshfordCarbonel). Yorks. (Hornsea). Lanes. (Downham). Oxon. (Ducklington,

Woodstock,Chalgrove) . Hants. (Hurstbourne

Tarrant, St. Mary

Bourne). Glos. (Cooper's Hill

Common, nr. Birdlip ;

Pagan Hill, nr. Stroud). Salop (Ludlow). Berks (general). Hants. (Stubbington till

1 8th cent.).

Alnwick. Lanes.


Devon (specially) and elsewhere.


iThe King Play (King Game or Kyng Ale) is also mentioned in i6th cent, parochial accounts, but may have been only a Church Ale with King and Queen of A^ay. The " tree of the Kyng play late stondyng in the marcatt place " was sold in 1516-17 for i2d.