Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/242

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Catalogue of Brand Alaterial.

Kirkham Bird-Fair. Cage- birds sold at 2 a.m. on bridge over River Der- went, between N. and E. Ridings. Later, pleasure fair held - - - -

Trinity Monday. Trinity Board meeting. Pleasure Fair . . - .

Saturday to Wednesday. Mayor's Glove on pole denotes Fair open -

Saturday to Wednesday. (Charter 1291). Now a pleasure fair only


Yorks. (Kirkham).



Yorks. (South Cave).


I. General Observances.

[a) Observances with Water.

Bathing on Trinity Sunday prevents tertian ague.

Sugar and water drunk at wells (10 noted in Bye- gones) - - - -

Two of these reputed curative

Bathing in well and night spent on tomb of St. Beuno

Shouting and singing hymns at wells - - - -

Several wells called Trinity wells because in them three springs unite their streams.

Well-wakes without water- drinking - - - -

Sprinkling, dancing, and merrymaking by young people at Taff' s Well

Flint and Montgomery- shire. Guilsfield and Bettws.



Llanvorda, tain.


Long Moun-

{b) Business transacted.

Calves and lambs due to St. Beuno (i.e. those with peculiarly-marked ears), handed over to church- wardens.