Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/243

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Catalogue of Brand Material.


SCOTLAND. I. Name. locality.

" Trantimas," probably obsolete. St. Andrews.

II. Observances.

{a) Trades' Procession, 8 Guilds - Dunfermline.

[b) Fairs, etc.

Marches ridden on Eve of

Trinity Fair . - - Edinburgh.

St. Ninian's Fair (Wednes- day) . (St. Ninian's Chapel and Spring outside the town) - - - - Aberbrothock.

Trinity Fair. Chartered by

Robert Bruce - - - Aberdeen.

Cattle Fair on Trinity or Tarnty Muir outside the town, second Wednesday in June. (Cathedral

Church dedicated to Holy Trinity) - - - - Brechin.

(c) Games, Sports and Pastimes.

Dancing on Trinity Sunday

at Raderny (1599) - - St. Andrews.


" Priests' Haggart " (qy ?) on Trinity Sunday.

St. Fintan's Patron - . . . Wexford.


[Held Thursday after Trinity Sunday ; instituted 1264).


I. Observances with Waters. locality.

Cure for all diseases. To drink of St. Madron's well overnight, sleep all night on his tomb, and drink again more largely in the morning of Corpus Christi - Cornwall.