Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/436

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Bibliography of the Writings of the late vSir Laurence (io.AiME ON Anthropology and Folklore.

Sir Laurence Gomme was born in Stepney, December, 1853, and died at Long Crendon, Bucks, February, 191 6. He was knighted in 191 1.

He was for several years Statistical Officer to the London County Council, and in 1900 appointed Clerk. He was first President of the Municipal Officers Association.

He was, in conjunction with Mr. William J. Thorns, Mr. Edward Solly, Mr. W. R. S. Ralston, Mr. H. C. Coote, Mr. Henry Hill, and Mr. H. B. Wheatley, one of the Founders of the Folk-Lore Society, and was successively Honorary Secretary, Director, and President, and while holding these offices edited the publications of the Society. He contributed articles and three Presidential Addresses.

He was a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries from 1879, and of the Royal Statistical Society ; was a member of the Anthro- pological Institute, the Folk-Lore Society, hon. member of the Glasgow Archaeological Society, the London Topographical Society, the British Association, the London Society, and others. He was a Lecturer at the London School of Economics, a Univer- sity Extension Lecturer, and a regular contributor to N'otes and Queries.

\\\ conjunction with Mr. H. B. Wheatley, F.S.A., he edited The Antiquary from 1881 (vol. iii.) to 1888 (vol. xvii.), and the Camden Library with Mr. T. F. Ordish, F.S.A. He edited the Archaeological Review, vols, i.-iv. 18S8-1S89.