Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/437

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Collectanea. 409

Bibliographical List of Boo/cs iv7-itten at/d edited by Sir Laurence Gomfiic.

Ludex of Mutiicipal Offices, compiled from the first Report of the Commissioners who enquired into the Municipal Corporation in England and Wales in 1835.

Published by the Index Society, 1879. Primitive Folk Moots. Sampson Low & Co., 1880.

Bo Ik- Lore Relics of Ea?-ly Village Life.

(Antiquary's Library.) Eliot Stock, 1883. Literature of Local Lnstitutions.

(Book Lover's Library. Ed. H. B. W.) Eliot Stock, 1886.

The Londo7i County Council: its duties and powers according to

the Local Government Act of 1888. David Nutt, 1888.

JTM Village Community : with special reference to the Origin and

Form of its Survivals in Britain.

(Contemporary Science Ser.) Walter Scott, 1890. LLandbook of Folk- Lore. Folk-Lore Society, 1890.

Ethnology in Folk- Loir. Kegan Paul, 1892.

Frinciples of Local Government : Lectures delivered at the London School of Economics, 1897. Constable, 1897.

London in the Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-97.

(Victorian Era Series.) Blackie, 189S. Governance of London. Fisher Unwin, 1907.

Foils-Lore as an Lfistorical Science.

(Antiquary's Books.) Methuen, 1908.

Maki?ig of London. Clarendon Press, 191 2.

London. ^^'illiams & Norgate, 191 4.

Lndex of Archaeological Papers, 1665-1890. (Published under the

direction of the Congress of the Archaeological Societies in

union with the Society of Antiquaries, 1907.)

Constable, 1907. Lndex {Annual) of Arch. Papers, 1891-190S.

Constable, 1891-1898. The Gentlema/ts Magazine Library, being a classified collection of the chief contents of the Gentleman s Magazine from 1731- 1868. 29 vols. —

Arcliceology, 2 vols. 1886.

Architectural Antiquities, 2 vols. 1 890-1 891.