Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/479

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Bonfires lighted in Ireland in INIay

or iVIidsummer, 261, 263 Borneo : myth of origin of fire,

354 Borough Man, the, 432 Boundaries : fights at, on Good

Friday, 76 ; perambulation of,

193 Bow-drill : used in fire-making, 357 Bov and the Elephant's Legs : tale

of, 138 Boy and the Hare : tale of, 167 Bowl-egg Sunday : Easter Day,

79 Bragawd : drinking of, 93 Brand Committee : Report of,


Bread baking on Good Friday, 71,

73. 76 Breden Stone : installation of

Admiral of Cinque Ports at, 300 Browis : broth made on Good

Friday, 74 Brown, G. : Folk Tales from the

Tonga Islands, 426 et seqq. Brunhild, 33 Bur Alan, the, 432 Burial face downwards, to prevent

return of the ghost, 224 Burn : cure of, by means of an

insect, 421 Burne, Mr. S. A. H. : on Examples

of Folk Alemory from Stafford- shire, 239 Burne, Miss C. S. : review of S.

Sunderland's Old London's Spas,

Baths and Wells, 324 Buryat tribe : use of fire in fer-

tihty charms, 373 Business festivals : at Easter, 83 ;

at Whitsuntide, 209 Butter : festival in May, 262 ;

made on Good Friday, curative, 77

Caer Sidi : prison of, 40

Caisg nam badach : fruits after

Easter, 97 Cake : dancing round, 95 Calendar customs : Irish, 237 ; in

Shakespeare, 396 et seqq. Calf's liver : eaten on Good Friday,

74 Calumniated Woman, the, 60 Candles : burning of, m Ancient

Egypt, 367 et seq Cannibalism, 46

Careless Mother, the : tale of, 165

Casg : Easter Sunday, 93

Cath Maighe Tuireadh : tale of, 38

Castle : the magic, 54

Cattle : use of fire to protect, 361

Celts, the : ancestor worship

among, 36 ; beliefs regarding

Elysium, 36 Cend la : Maundy Thursday, 94 Chalk Sunday, 267 Changelings : in Shakespeare, 381 Chastity : observed by headman

of Kaitish tribe, 25 Children : begging by, 69, 84 ; doles

to, 69 ; protected from evil in- fluences by lighting candles near

them, 360 Chinese : firing of crackers at an

execution to scare the headless

ghost, 364 Chinziri and his Brothers : tale of,

146 Christmas : candle, the, 276 ;

customs in Ireland, 265 ; Day,

in Shakespeare, 405 ; mumming

in Ireland, 301 Chukchee tribe, use of fire as a

purifier, 363 et seq. Church ales, 212, 216 ; decking of,

on Good Friday, 75 Cinderella : tale of, 64 Cinque Ports : installation of

Admiral of, 300 Clerk's ale, 90

Clipping the Church at Easter, 90 Clodd, E. : obituary of Sir L.

Gomme, iii Clothes : beliefs regarding, at

Easter, 80 ; washing of, on Good

Friday unlucky, 72, 73 Club feasts at Wliitsuntide, 209 Cobb ale, 205 Cockfighting, 87, 93 Cock-kippit : played on Good Fri- day, 75 Cock-squailing, 203 Common riding on Ascension Day,

200 Connach worm, the, 420 et seq. Corpus Christi festival, the, 215 Council of the Society : election

of members, 3 ; Report of, 4 Courting on Good Friday unlucky,

71, 72 Court leet, the Kissing Day, 98 Cox, Miss M. R. E. : obituary of,

434 et seq.