Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/480

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Cracklins : baked on Good Friday,

74 Cramp rings : liallowing of, on

Good Friday, 75 Creek Indians : new fire used at

festival of New Fruits, 369 Crockery : breaking of, on Good

Friday, 73 Crocodile's Panda or head-ring :

tale of, 152 Cromarty : marriage customs in,


Cromwell, Oliver : his adminis- tration, 242

Crooke, W. : on " Bull Baiting and Bull Racing," 349 ; betrothal custom in North Wales, 432 ; review of A. C. Parker, The Code of Handsome Lake, the Seneca Prophet, 442 et seqq.

Cropping Thursday : Maundy Thursday, 70

Cross : Battle of, 104

Cross-week : Rogationtide, 193

Cuchulainn : saga of, 35

Cuckoo : unlucky to shoot, 30S

Cudgel-play at Whitsuntide, 203

Cunning Hare, the : tale of, 127

Curoi : sword of, 62

Cursing to obtain a blessing, 433

Daffodils at Easter, 81

Dancing: at Trinity season, 215 ; at Whitsuntide, 203

Dar-daol beetle, the, 419 et seq.

Dawkins, R. M. : Modern Greek in Asia Minor, reviewed, 436 et seqq.

Dead bodies : superstitions re- garding, 249

Dead : heard talking on Easter Day, 78 ; Tree, the : tale of, 156 ; fire and lamps placed on their graves, 374

Death : superstitions regarding, 309 ; and life : primitive beliefs regarding, 39 ; as a hunter, 42

Democracy, results of, 19

Devils and evil spirits in Shake- speare, 384 et seqq.

Devils' Churchyard, the, 414

Devil changing sites, 416

Devonshire : Beesand owls, 308 ; Chillington rooks, 308 ; colour of piskies, 307 ; tooth supersti- tion, 308 ; custom of Binding the Faggot, 417 et seq.

Dhakkan : the Rainbow, 26 Dice-playing in folk-tales, 67 Divination by water at Easter,

82 ; from white horses, 310 Dog : ghost of, 310 ; Dogs of

Arawn, 42 Doles : to children, 69 ; at Easter,

83 ; on Good Friday, 75 Doone Well : curative powers of,

257 Dover's Hill : sports at, 207 Downpatrick Head : legend of,

225 Dreams : folklore of, in Shake- speare, 395 et seqq. Drilling method of lire-making, 355 Dundonnell : legend of, 100 Dydd Gwener Groglith : Good

Friday, 76 Dyed Egg Day, 94 Dyved tribe, the, 43

Eakring : ball play, 90

Earlsway Road, the, 243

Easter, observances at, 78, 79, 90 ; dues, 82 ; eggs, 83, 84, 91, 95 ; Eve : observances, 78 ; holi- days, 83, 93; Monday : parochial settlement, 83 ; in Shakespeare, 406 ; Tuesday : observances, 90, 92

Eft, the : folklore of, 421 et seq.

Eggs, and bacon : children beg- ging for, 69 ; laid on Good Friday : keep fresh, used in charms, 77, 70, 71

Egyptian folk-tale : Anpu and Bata, 65 ; ancient mode of fire- making, 358; candles burnt, 367

Ekoi tribe : symbolical divorce b}' raking out fire, 366

Elder tree, the : folklore of, 425

Elves : fairy, of Shakespeare, 379 et seqq.

Elysium : Celtic beliefs regarding, 36

Ernai : cycle of folk-tales, 38

Eskimos : morality of, 28 ; mode of fire-making, 357

Essex : witch beliefs in, 299

Etain : kidnapping of, 67

Exile, the : tale of, 160

External soul, the, 61

Fairs : on Ascension Day, 199 ; at Easter, 90,96 ; on Good Friday, 76 ; at Whitsuntide, 207