Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/481

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Fairy : lore in Ireland, 252 ; peo- ple, 35 ; king and queen of, in Shakespeare, 381

Fairyland : expeditions to, 39

Fasting on Tuesda}', 290

Feasts : parochial, 213 ; at peram- bulation of boundaries, 197

Fergan Well : curative effect of,


Fertilitj- charms : use of fire in, 372 et seq.

Fights : at perambulation of boundaries, 196

Figs-Hill : oranges rolled at, on Good Friday, 75

Firbolg, the : in Ireland, 37

Fire : an omen of disaster, 310 ; extinguished at Easter, 80 ; not lighted by smiths on Good Friday, 72 ; precautions to pre- vent the extinction of, 352 et seq. ; a single, permanently kept, 353 ; methods of making, 354 et seqq. ; magico-religious uses of, 359 et seqq. ; protective, 359 ; purifying use of, 363 et seqq. ; used as an omen and for divination, 365

Fire-making : said to be unknown among Andamanese and Japura tribes, 352 ; knowledge of, whence obtained, 353

Fish : eating of, on Good Friday,

74 Fishing on Good Friday, 75 Flag : black, carried by boys at

Easter, 78 Flax : sown before Good Friday, 77 Folk-Lore : editor of, appointed, 3 Folk-Lore Society : List of Offi- cials and Members, v-xvi Folk-Song Society : Journal of,

reviewed, 447 et seq. Foods : special, eaten at Easter, 81, 91, 95 ; on Good Friday, 78 ; at Trinity season, 212 ; at \Vhitsuntide, 201. Football : contests, 77, 90 Foulet, L. : Le Roman de Renard

reviewed, 230 Fowler, Mr. J. : murder of, 247 Foxes : beliefs regarding, 283 Friction, mode of fire-making by, 355

Game-laws : in abeyance on Good Friday, 71, 75

Games : on Corpus Christi, 216 ; on Easter Monday, 87 ; on Good Friday, 75 ; at Trinit}' season, 212 ; at Whitsuntide, 202

Gang-week : Rogationtide, 193

Gaping, Gawping : Saturday in Whitweek, 201

Garlands given by bachelors to maidens, 213

Ghost : at bridges, 309 ; headless, scared by Cliinese by firing crakers at an execution, 364,* and other apparitions in Shake- speare, 392 et seqq.

Giants : in West Ireland, 102

Gifts : asking back, unlucky, 310

Gloucestershire : the Devil's Churchyard, 414

Goddes Sondaie : Easter Sunday, 79

Gomme, Sir L. : on attitudes to- wards death, 41 ; death of , 113 ; obituary of, 1 1 1 ; bibliography of his writings, 408 et seqq.

Gomme, Lady A. B. : Bibliography of the writings of Sir L. Gomme, 408 et seqq.

Good Feast Day : Easter Sunday, 79

Good Friday, observances on, 70-8 ; belief regarding persons bom on, 71 ; Flower, 74 Games, 74 ; tabus at, 76

Goose dancing in Scilly, 96

Goose Intentos, 217

Gorse : burnt on Good Friday, 74

Grandy Needles, 90

Greece, modern : omens drawn from fire, 365

Gruff ydd, jNIr/w. J. : his theory of the origin of the Mabinogion^ 32 ; of Pryderi, 52

Guild-drinking, 213

Guinea Fowl and the Fowl : tale of, 167

Gunther, 33

Hair-cutting on Good Friday : un- lucky, 72

Halamba the Old : tale of, 154

Hallowmass Day, 404

Hallowtide observances in Ireland, 264

Hare, the : ill-omen, 253 ; hunted at Easter, 89

Hare and the Dzimo or Wild Cat : tale of, 155 ; Hare and the Ele- phant : tale of, 159, 161 ; Hare