Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 27, 1916.djvu/482

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and the Lion's Cubs: tale of, 124; Hare rides the Lion: tale of, 162; Hare, the Man, and their Mother: tale of, 139

Harriseahead: lullaby from, 241

Harrison, Miss J. E. , on the Pharmakos, 298

Hartland, Mr. E. S.: obituary of Sir John Rhys, no; review of R. V. Russell, Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces, 317; review of R. M. Dawkins, Modern Greek in Asia Minor, 436 et seqq.; review of J. A. Houlder, Ohabolana, or Malagasy Proverbs, 444 et seq.

Hazel rod cut on Good Friday, 77

Headless coach: legend of, 99

Healers: professional, in Australia, 24

Hearth fire, the : held sacred, 370 Heather, Mr. P. J. : on Three Lives of Saints, their bearing on Folklore, 279 Heaving of women, 85, 93 Hemlock : used in charms, 256 Herbs : lore of, in Ireland, 255, 423 ; pudding eaten on Good Friday, 74 Herefordshire : folklore of, 414 et

seqq. Herrings : driving awaj' of, by

children, 69 Hiawatha, Song of : myth of

origin of fire, 354 Hindus : belief in constant pre- sence of spirits, 360 Hockenbench, the, 98 Hock-tide : observances, 97 Hockney Day, 98 Holidays : suppressed in Ireland,

274 ■ Holland, Mrs. M. : on " Folk- lore of the Banyanja," 116 Holly-bussing on Easter Tuesday, 90 ; removed from churches on Good Friday, 75 Holy Cross Day, 403 Holy Island : penance done at,

on Wliit Sunday, 211 Holyrood Day, 403 Holy Sunday : Easter Day, 79 Holy Thursday, 197 Holy Week : observances, 69 Horns on the head, 309 Horses : white, in divination, 310 Hot-Cross buns, 73

Houlder, J. A. : Ohabolana, or

Malagasy Proverbs, reviewed,

444 et seq. Human beings : their power of

vanquishing fairies, 35 Hunter and the Pot of Meat : tale

of, 149 Husband's future : omens of,

taken on Good Friday, 71

' Id festival : lanterns lighted on graves, 368

India : a female Mowgli,4i8 et seq.

Indra and Xamuci : tale of, 63

Ingomo, the Animals : tale of , 119

Ireland : aspects of the under- world, 31 ; holy fire used to avert disease or epidemic, 369

Irish folklore : characteristics of, 250; Notes on, 419 e^ 5e^^.

Iron : tabu of, on Good Friday, 77, 78

Ironworkers, the : tale of, 121

Jackals, the, and the Boat : tale

of, 154 Jackettvwar : Will o' the Wisp,

308 Jack o' Lent, 89 Jack o' the White Hat : a ghost,

208 Japura tribe : said to be ignorant

of the use of fire, 352 Jevons, Dr. F. B. : on " Masks and

the Origin of the Greek Drama,"

114, 171-92 Jarije : tale of, 147 Join : a social gathering, 255 Jolly lad : a morris-dancer, 69

Kabi tribe : professional healers,

24, 26 Kaffirs : fire rites at festival of

New Fruits, 369 Kagoro tribe : belief that fire was originally derived from light- ning, 353 Kaitish tribe : headsman observ- ing chastity, 24 et seq. Kanjinete : tale of, 140 Kelp : charms to procure, 70 Ker, Prof. P. W. : review of L Foulet, Le Roman de Renard, 230 Khorhaan : the tale of, 148 Kidnapping of cliildren, 46