Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 5, 1894.djvu/180

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172 Folk-lore Bibliography.



American Antiquarian, xvi, i. C. Thomas, Origin of the Indians. S. D. Peei, Was the Serpent Symbol Aboriginal ? C. Staniland Wake, The Suastika and allied Symbols. C. B. Moore, Like- nesses in Palaeolithic Relics. — 2. W . M. Beaiuhamp, The Origin of the Iroquois. J. Wickersham, Japanese Art on Puget Sound. S. D. Peet, Craft Symbols and Religious Emblems. C. Thomas, Polynesian Types in Mexico and Central America.

American Anthropologist, vii, i. A. S. Gatschet, Songs of the Modoc Indians. J. W. Fewkes, On certain Personages who appear in a 1 usayan Ceremony.

Fortnig-htly Review, May. Grant Allen, The Origin of Cultivation.

Journal of American Folk-Lore, xxiv, Jan.-March. H. Hale, The Fall of Hochelaga. J. Batchelor, Items of Ainu Folk-lore. F. Boas, Eskimo Tales and Songs. S. Ciilin, Retrospect of the Folk-lore of the Columbian Exposition. A remarkable Oath. Folk-tales of Angola. Folk-lore Scrap-book. Notes and Queries. Bibliographical Notes.

Journal of the Anthropological Institute, xxiii, 3. O. H. Howarth, On the Rock Inscriptions of Sinaloa. E. H . Man, On the use of Narcotics by the Nicobar Islanders. Prof. Boyd Dawkiiis, On the Relation of the Palccolithic to the Neolithic Period.

Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, xvi, 4. P. le Page Renouf, The Book of the Dtad, chaps. 77-78. — 5, 6. /'. le Page Renouf, The Book of the Dead, chaps. 7S-82. Dr. M. Gaster, An unknown Hebrew Version of Judith.

L'Anthropologie, iv,^ 4. M. Delafosse, Les Cigni [account of a tribe on the Ivory Coast]. — 5. S. Pemach, Le Mirage Oriental [im- portant discussion of theories of the Oriental origin of European civilisation]. — 6. P. Topinard, Ouelques conclusions et applica- tions de I'Anthropologie. S. Keinach, Le Mirage Oriental. — v, I. S. Reinach, La sculpture en Europe avant les influences greco- romaines. — 2. E. Cartailhac, La divinite feminine et les sculp- tures de I'allee couverte d'Epoue. S. Reinach, La sculpture en Europe avant les influences greco-romaines.

Melusine, vii, i. H. Gaidoz, Le grand diable d'argent. La chanson de Petit Jean. Th. Volkov, La fraternisation. Tamizey de Larroque, Chansons populaires de la Bretagn . E. de Schouliz- Adai'evsky, Airs de danse du Morbihan. . Tuchmann, La