Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 9, 1898.djvu/425

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117; Wales, 189; connected with the shroud, 122, 123 ; masks, Roman, 178 ; portents, 18, 87 ; sacrificial death of old people, and of kings, 87, 114 ; savage notions of death, 312; warning, 215

Dechtire, 182

Decline, shrew ash as a cure for, Richmond, 334

Delphi, 175 ; fish offered to Artemis at, 277 ; representation of the Ocnus fable at, 369

Deluge story, Australian version, 309

Demeter, animal associated with, 177 ; garth of, lOi

Demons, (see Ropes of Sand) influence of, at marriage, how combated, 125 ; kept off by use of iron, 140, 185 ; yellow and red repellent to, 125

Denmark, folklore of; ballads col- lected by Kristensen, Grundvig, etc. I95> 198 210, 211, 212; cattle driven through fire, 215, 216 ; Devil and the wind at Copenhagen, 275 ; ghosts and ghost-laying in, 213-216 ; government assistance to JCristensen, 198-201 ; riddles, 197 ; Kristensen's work in collecting and publishing, 194-224, other collec- tions, 195. 210, 211, 217, 220, special features of, 219, wealth of, 202, 208

Deo volente, Gaelic parallel, 91

Departed spirit, catching of a, 87

Deutsche Kinderreinie iind Verwand- tes, Gesammelt von Friedrich Drosihn, reviewed, 345

Development, the, of idol worship, by Mrs. H. G. M. Murray Aynsley, 183

Devil, the {see Lucifer and Lincoln Minster), "Fossdyke" on, 272; and other churches, H. C. Bowen on, 364 ; stones thrown by, from Lincoln Cathedral, 275, 276

Devon, wealth of folktales, 46

Dharna, 108, f/". 118

Dhurzee at Indian wedding, 150

Dialect, value of knowledge of in folk- lore collecting, 207

Diarmaid, parallelism with Sir Gawain, 270

Dieudonne, Rhodian knight and dragon-slayer, 73

Dionysus, animals associated with, 177

Discrimination, the, of racial ele- ments in the folklore of the British Isles (Presidential Address), by A. Nutt, 30 Diving as a chastity test, 130 Divining rod for mineral finding, by

W. Barrett, 79 Divorce customs in India, 146 Diwan Ganga Govind Sinh, cured of

colic by idols, 277 Dodona, Selli priesthood of, 179 Dodwell, summary of his writings by

Frazer, 175 Dog, the, of Tobit, and parallels, 243 Dolls in May customs. Lines., 276,


Dolmens, the, of Ireland ; their Dis- tribtition. Structural Characteris- tics, etc., etc., by W. C. Borlase, reviewed by A. Nutt, 52 ; referred to, 36 ; Dolmen in Gower, 77

Dorpfeld's theories combated by Frazer, 176

Dosmery or Dozmare Pool, tales of, 370, 372

Dough-making on Friday, lucky, (Sicily), 258

Dowry, Greek, disposal of, in certain cases. III ; of Indian bride, 146

Dragons {see Snakes aw^Serpents), 73; dwelling in a girl, 227 ; attacking bridal couple, 231 ; to be stolen, in Greek tale, 233 ; teeth drawn under anaesthetics, 234 ; in tale of Tobit, 243 ; Slovak Gypsy tale of,


Draupadi, 108, 132

Dravidian tribal customs see Agariya

Dreams, 373, 379

Dresses, see Marriage dresses, Magic, 129

Drink of forgetfulness, parallel in- stances, 121

Druidical stones in Caithness, legend of, 87

Druidism in Celtic countries, ^6, 77

Druzes of the Lebanon, manners and customs of, 3 ; women of, 7 ; birth and funeral customs of, 7, 8 ; games, 8, 9 ; superstitions and charms, 19 ; belief in transmigra- tion of souls, 15

Dryad, precautions to detain and avoid when tree-felling, Greek Isles, 342

Dulichium, home of Penelope's suitors, 107, 108