Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 9, 1898.djvu/426

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Dusadh tribe, India, marriage customs

of, 171 Dyeing, males excluded from, in

ancient Ireland, 124

Ea, god of wisdom, 73

Eagle-hawk, totem, Australia, 205

East Anglian folklore, fishing dole at Great Yarmouth, and Lowestoft, 245 ; Low German characteristics of, 47

Easter Customs, Easter Eggs, 19, 276, 36.5 ; feast -cake from Calymnos {ill.), 2 ; of the Lebanon, 19 ; " lift- ing " of women, Ashton-under- Lyne, 380 ; Spanish dances at, 284 ; Monday custom, riding the Black Lad at Ashton-under-Lyne, 379 ; offering at Great Yarmouth, 247

Eastern variants to Norse folk-tales,


Eddaic mythology, its limitations, 36

Edjmiatzin, library of, 166

Eggs, in Lincolnshire Christmas fes- tival, 364 ; Easter, in Syria, 19, 276, 365 ; May custom, Lincoln- shire, Oliver Lodge, junior, on,

Egypt, anima worship in ancient, 164 ; bull-worship, fetishism of, 165 ; death and funeral customs in, 123, 163 ; folklore of, Horus and the crocodile, 73 ; Horus as morn- ing sun-god, 164 ; Influence of, on Christianity, 164 ; perforated jar and ropes of sand, 369 ; morality of 339 ; official cult in, 338 : original population of 164, 165, 338; origin of Pharaonic population of, 165 ; our ignorance of its ancient religion, 337; riddles referred to, 259; sacri- ficial joints, disposal of, in, 103 : soul, concepts concerning, in, 336 ; sun-god cultus in, 163, 164 ; tombs of, results of examining, 165

Eleusis, 175

El Kab, Egypt, natron of and burial at, 339

Elphege, Archbishop, death of, how caused, 119

Elves, Danish folklore, 214, 215

Emerson, P. H., on fertilization of birds, 82

Emu. 297, 300 ; emu- wren, 311

England, riddle of murdered lover, wide diffusion of, 260

English ballad poetry, 47, 48 ; brides,

use of white dresses and veils, 126 ;

couplet concerning dress of, 128;

catchwords, 261 ; literature, Celtic

influence on, 30 Enigmas, see Riddles Epidemics, terror induced by, 256 Epimenides, sleep of, 178 Epiphany customs in the Lebanon, 5,


Eric and Enide, 181

Eschenbach, Wolfram von, and the Gawain legend, 265, 267

Esther, book of, date, 165

Esthonian riddles, 261

Ethnological Studies among the North West Central Queensland Abori- gines, by W. E. Roth, reviewed by F. C. Conybeare, 261

Eumaeus, 109

Euripides, and Greek feeling with regard to re-marriage of widows,

Europe, Mediaeval, the "jus primae noctis " in, 366

European chastity tests, 130 ; folk- psychology, identity of, 54 i in- fluence on Australian myths, 320

Eurymachus, on the rights of Pene- lope's suitors, no, 112

Evil Eye, cures for, 86, 90, 378 ; effect of, on brides, how combated, 128 ; in the Lebanon, 7, 9, 10 ; underlying idea, 13, 14, 16; pre- ventives against, lO, 79 ; used hyp- notically, 83 ; at weddings, 128

Evolution, the, of the Idea of God ; an Inqtiity into the Origins of Reli- gions, by Grant Allen, reviewed,


Exogamy among the Agariya of North-West India, 169; among the Wiraijurs of Australia, 298 ; no traces of, in Homeric poems, 104 ; in relation to marriage prohibitions, 252 ; evolution of, 253, 254

Exorcisms; Danish folklore, 213; by salt and water, 90 ; for mote-ex- tracting, 92

Eye, the {see Evil Eye), hypnotic use of, 83 ; motes extracted from, 92

Eyes, on ships, 179

Fairies, or Good People {see also Jin) ; Tuathade Danann, Irish, 60 : dwellings called Brochs, danger of meddling with, 280