Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 9, 1898.djvu/47

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18th January, 1898.

THE Council are glad to report that there has been no falling off of the general interest shown in the work of the Society during the past year. The attendance at the evening meetings, on the whole satisfactory, has in some instances been gratifyingly large; papers of marked interest and value have been forthcoming, and there has been an increase in the number of smaller communications, and in the exhibits of folklore objects.

The Council were able to issue early in the year the extra volume for 1896—Mr. H. M. Bower's "Elevation and Procession of the Ceri at Gubbio." In the last Report this work was described as likely to prove of exceptional interest and value, and the Council think that its reception by Members of the Society and by the learned world has fully justified their forecast. It is to be hoped that the Author will not quit the new field of research he has opened up for English readers, and that the Society may count upon further contributions from him.

The Journal has fully maintained its accustomed high level, thanks chiefly to the efforts of the Publications Committee, consisting, as heretofore, of Miss Cox, Messrs. Hartland, Gomme, Kirby, the President and Treasurer, and in especial to the untiring and admirable work of the Chairman, Mr. Hartland, whose services, the Council are pleased to say, will be available during the forthcoming