Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review Volumes 32 and 33.djvu/307

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Collectanea (continued)—
The Dragons’ Teeth; Blood falling on the Ground. Sir G. A. Grierson 380
Folklore of the Isle of Skye. Mary Julia MacCulloch 382
A Study of the Folklore on the Coasts of Connacht, Ireland. T. J. Westropp 389
Folk Tales from the Nāga Hills of Assam. C. R. Pawsey and J. H. Hutton 397
The Cult of the Door amongst the Miao in South-West China. W. H. Hudspeth 406
Lewis Richard Farnell. Greek Hero Cults and Ideas of Immortality. W. Crooke 125
Ja’far Sharīf. Islam in India, or the Qānūn-i- Islām. T. C. Hodson 126
Émile Nourry. L’Éternuement et le Baillement dans la Magie, L’Ethnographic et le Folk-Lore Médical de P. Saintyves. E. Sidney Hartland 127
Dr. Courtenay Dunn. The Natural History of the Child. C. Jenkinson 129
Margaret Alice Murray. The Witch-Cult in Western Europe. W. R. Halliday 224
J. H. Hutton. The Sema Nagas. A. C. Haddon 230
R. M. Fleming. Ancient Tales from Many Lands. A. Hingston Quiggin 232
Narendra Nath Law. Aspects of Ancient Indian Polity. H. A. Rose 234
E. Westermarck. The History of Human Marriage. W. Crooke 322
J. S. Udal. Dorsetshire Folk-Lore. W. Crooke 325
Cecil Torr. Small Talk at Wreyland 327
Lilian Winstanley. Macbeth, King Lear and Contemporary History 327