Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review Volumes 32 and 33.djvu/440

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Since his retirement he prepared several important articles for the Encyclopaedia of Islam on subjects relating to that part of northern India which he had studied so closely. Besides Oriental languages he was an excellent Portuguese scholar, and his wide knowledge of Portugese literature, and of the philology and geography of India, was illustrated in his admirable translation and annotations of The Book of Duarte Barbosa, edited for the Hakluyt Society in 1918-21. He compiled a memoir on the Portuguese and German colonies in Africa for the use of the Peace Congress at Versailles. He was also a member of the Numismatic Society and possessed a fine collection of Oriental coins.

Mr. Longworth Dames became a member of the Folk-Lore Society in 1892, served for many years on the Council, and was a regular attendant at its meetings, where he gained universal respect as an accomplished scholar, while his geniality of manner won the affection of many friends. Like the true scholar, he was modest and unassuming, and was always ready to take infinite trouble in assisting from his stores of knowledge correspondents who desired information. His death leaves a gap in the small band of Oriental and Portuguese scholars which can never be filled.