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The Fond Mother's GARLAND, &c.

The fond Mother.

Tune Stick a Pin thee.

WHen I was a Maiden at Fourteen Years old,
If I romp'd with a Man how my Mother would Scold,
But now I am grown older she bids me by shy,
And is a ways a Chiding with Fy my dear Fy
Fy my dear Fy, and is always a Chiaing with Fy my dear Fy.

But this her fond Chiding, how e'er so absurd,
By frequent repeating became a Cant Word,
That if a young Man did but Smiling pass by,
I could not help crying out, fy my Dear fy.

One Evening as under a Hay Cock I lay,
Young Damon my Lover by Chance came that Way;
He kneel'd and he Kiss'd me, and down he would lie,
Altho' I kept calling out, fy my Dear fy.
