Page:Fond mother's garland.pdf/3

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In Loves fondest Language he then did repeats
That I was the sweetest, the wisest and best,
And that by my Coyness be surely should die,
Which forc'd me again to say, fy my Dear fy.

With twenty sweet Kisses he sealed each Vow,
And ardently beg'd me some Pity to shew;
Then wonder'd which Way I my Garter did tye,
L- bless me, cried I, oh! fy my Dear fy.

But still he keep pressing and talk'd of such Truth,
Of Flames and of Darts, and of Beauty and Youth,
That he'd ever be constant it I would comply.
But I threaten'd and chided, with, fy my Dear fy.

Yer Damon still struggled petition'd and pray'd
And never once minded a Word that I said,
So I let him go on and made no Reply,
For I found 'twas in vain to say, fy my Dear fy

The Pretty Grey Hawk.

ONCE I had pretty grey Hawk,
She went and came at my Request
And when she is dress'd in her youthful Attire
In my Bosom she builed her Nest,
  My brave Boys, &c.

She builded within and she build'd without
My pretty Bird flies in and outs;
