Page:Fond mother's garland.pdf/4

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And when she spreads her Feathers Abroad
She shaded me under her Wings,
  My brave Boys, &c.

Then I got a Bell and ty'd to her Foot,
Thinking that she was my own;
But she's taken a Flight and gone away quite,
And Nobody knows where she's gone,
  My brave Boys, &c.

Then up Streets I walk and down Streets I run,
Like one that is troubled in Minde;
I woop'd and I ho'd, and shouted aloud,
But my little Bird I could not find,
  My brave Boys, &c.

It's up the green Meadows I walk,
And down the green Meadows I run;
And there I met with my pretty grey Hawk,
She was lying by the Side of a Man,
  My brave Boys, &c.

He that hath got her so e'en let him take her,
And make the best of her he can,
For whether I have her or have her not,
I will Hawk with her now and then,
  My brave Boys, &c.

Happy is he that hath got a good Wife,
And blessed is he that's got none,
Curs'd is he that goes to a Whore,
And hath a good Wife of his own,
  My brave Boys, &c.
