Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/127

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Competition, or impose such other penalty as they may think fit.

9. The Council shall have the power to disqualify any competing Club, or player, or players for any competing Club, who may be proved to be guilty of any breach of the Rules of the Association.

10. The Council shall divide the competing Clubs into two Divisions, viz. The Northern Division and the Southern Division, and in each of these two Divisions there shall be a Qualifying Competition and a Competition Proper.

11. The Competition shall be conducted in the following manner:—

In each Division, 10 Clubs (including the two last Clubs left in the Division in the previous year's Competition, provided they have complied with Rule 6) shall be excused the Qualifying Competition. The Clubs not so excused in each Division shall be divided into six Districts geographically convenient, and shall compete in a Qualifying Competition until only one Club is left in each of the six Districts. The Council shall have the power to divide each District into groups if thought necessary.

All Clubs, including the two last Clubs left in each Division, desiring to be excused, shall give notice before the 15th day of May in each year, according to Rule 6.

12. The Qualifying Competitions shall be completed by December 31st. All the necessary byes shall be given in the Qualifying Competitions, and all the Ties in each round shall be played on one date and at such hours as the Council may determine.

13. The Clubs excused the Qualifying Competitions, together with the District winners in each Division, shall enter the Competition Proper. The Clubs in the Competition Proper of each Division shall then be subdivided into groups at the discretion of the Council and drawn in couples and shall compete among themselves until one Club is left. The winner of the Northern Division shall meet the winner of the Southern Division in the Final Tie, and the winning Club shall hold the Cup for the current year.

14. The Secretary of the Association shall, immediately after each draw is made, intimate to each Club the name of its opponent and the date and hour when the Tie shall be played.

15. Unless otherwise mutually arranged, the Club which is in each instance first drawn in the ballot shall have choice of