Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/128

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ground. Except as provided by Rule 31, a Club shall not be allowed to select a ground other than that on which it is accustomed to play, without the consent of the opposing Club. In the case of re-played matches, the Club which had not the choice of ground for the first match shall have choice of ground for the second match. If the ground of the Club having choice of ground is considered unsuitable for a Cup Tie, the opposing Club may appeal to the Council within three days of the receipt of the official intimation of the draw. The Council may order the match to be played on the ground of the appealing Club, or on a neutral ground. If such appeal be not sustained, the complaining Club may be called upon to pay the expenses incurred in deciding the appeal. Each club must take every precaution to keep its ground in playing condition, and if necessary, either Club may apply to the Association, and the Secretary shall require the Referee or some other person to examine the ground and decide as to its fitness for play in sufficient time to save expenses being incurred by the Clubs of unnecessary journeys. Clubs shall not mutually arrange to play a match in lieu of a Cup Tie. If a match is played to a conclusion, it must be a Cup Tie, but if from any cause a match is not completed it must be replayed the full time of one hour and a half. Postponed matches shall be played on the following Saturday, unless the Clubs agree to an earlier date. This Rule does not apply to the last match in each Division (which matches shall be considered the Semi-final Ties) and to the Final Tie.[1]

16. The duration of each match shall be one hour and a half, and the Referee shall allow for time wasted or lost through accident or other cause.

17. In all matches preceding the Semi-final Ties, the following provisions shall apply. An extra half-hour may be played in matches which result in a draw, provided the two Clubs mutually agree and intimate their decision to the Referee before the match commences. When a match has resulted in a draw it must be re-played on the following Saturday, unless the Clubs mutually agree at the conclusion of the match to an earlier day, and at once jointly intimate their decision to the Secretary of the Association. If the second match should also result in a draw it must be re-played not later than the following Wednesday, and the Council shall fix the ground and day unless the Clubs mutually agree at the conclusion of the

  1. Where the colours of two competing Clubs are the same, the home team must change.