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Messi^. BELL'S BOOKS for CHESS PLAYERS. CHESS. A Handbook for Chess Players. By R. F. GuBSN, Editdr of the British Chess MagoMtm, Small post Svo^ if. THE CHESS OPENINGS. By Isidor Gunsberg. Small THE TWO-MOVE CHESS PROBLEM. With numerous Examples by B. G. Laws. Small post 8vo, ix. CHESS STUDIES AND END GAMES. In Two Parts : —Part I. CHESS STUDIES. Part II. MISCELLANEOUS END GAMES, By B. HoRwiTZ and J. Kling. Second Edition, Revised by the Rev. W. Wayte, M.A., late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Demy 8vo, price "One of the most valuable and interesting books which a chess-player can have upon his shelves." — Saturday Review. STAUNTON'S CHESS PLAYER'S HANDBOOK. A Popular and Scientific Introduction to the Game of Che.<is, as exemplified i«  Games actually played by the greatest masters, illustrated by numerous Dia- grams of original and remarkable positions. Small post 8vo, 5^. STAUNTON'S CHESS PRAXIS. A Supplement to the Chess Player's Handbook. Containing important improvements in the Openings, illustrated by actual Games ; a Code of Chess Laws ; and a Selection of Mr. Morphy*s Games in England and France, critically annotated. 636 pages. With Diagrams. Small post Bvo, 51. STAUNTON'S CHESS PLAYER'S COMPANION. Com- prising a Treatise on Odds, Collection of Match Games, including the great French Match with Mons. St. Amant, and a Selection of Original Problems. With Diagrams and Coloured Frontispiece. Small post Svo, 5;. STAUNTON'S CHESS TOURNAMENT, ^'iS-t^Sl. A Collection of Games played at this celebrated assAtibia^e. . a.^*. ^ 'Auction. Notes critical and explanatory, and numerous Diagrams. Small post Svo, 5*. CHESS CONGRESS OF 1862. Edited by J. Lowenthal. Second and Cheaper Edition. Small post Svo, 59. MORPHY'S GAMES OF CHESS. Being the Matches and best Games played by the American Champion, with explanatory and analytical Notes by J. LOwenthau With short Memoir and Portrait of Morphy. Small post Svo, 5J. This voluma^ontains by far the largest collection of games played by Mr. Morphy extant in any form, and has received his endorsement and co-operation. LONDON J GEORGE BELL & SONS.