Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/143

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Wxt €Iub §txm OF CARD AND TABLE GAMES. Sma// Zvo, eloth^ price is, each, WWST, By Dr. William Pole, F.R.S., author of " The Philosophy of Whist," etc. SOLO WHIST. By Robert F. Green, editor of "Chess." BILLIARDS. By J. P. Buchanan. Double volume, 2s, BILLIARDS, The Art of Practical Billiards for Amateurs ; with chapters on Pool, Pyramids, and Snooker. By Major-General A. W. Dray- son, F.R.A.S., Author of "Practical Whist." Approved by W. J. PealL fVM numerous Illustrations, CHESS, By Robert F. Green, Editor of the " British Chess Magazine." With Illustratiotis, THE CHESS OPENINGS, With Introductions and Notes. By I. Gunsberg. THE TWO-MOVE CHESS PROBLEM, By B. G. Laws. With Illustrations, DRAUGHTS and BACKGAMMON. By

  • * Berkeley." With Illustrations,

DOMINOES and SOLITAIRE. With Illustra- tions, By " Berkeley." RE VERS I and GO BANG, With lUustrations, By " Berkeley." BEZIQUE and CRIBBAGE. With Illustrations, By " Berkeley." EC ARTE and EUCHRE. By «« Berkeley." ' " and RUBICON PIQUET. By "iierkeley." ROUND GAMES, including Poker, Loo, Vingt- un, Napoleon, Newmarket, Pope Joan, Specu- lation, Spin, Commerce, Snip-Snap-Snorum, etc., etc. By Baxter- Wray, CARD TRICKS and PUZZLES. By "Berkeley »' and T. B. Rowland. SKAT, By Louis Diehl. (Skat Scoring Book, is,) PARLOUR AND PLAYGROUND GAMES. By Mrs. Laurence Gomme. LONDON: GEORGE BELL & SONS/ I