Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/145

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F. H. AYRES, LID: manufactu ^ 6amev^ 111, ALDERw 'DOi< E.G. THE "HOTSPUR" ^ISS^B^r § O ^ "(3 .0 ^ ? ; Sk ^ i it %m 1 S 3 1 "9 O s2 O TESTIMONIAL. Tottenham Hotspur Football and Athletic Co., Ltd., Tottenham. "We have used F. H. Ayres' Footballs during the past season, and have found them so satisfactory that they are now exclusively used by us." June 9th, 1906. J. Cameron, Secretary. All Requisites for the game of the best quality, and the most approved designs. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES ON APPUCATION,