Page:Football, The Association Game.djvu/146

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XME WORl-D'S GREATEST BEST AND CHEAPEST Atmi^eti c Out fitters- The Latest and Best of Everything, at Prices to Suit all, is to be found at Qamage's, EVERYTHING For Every Sport and Pastime. FOOTBALL CYCLING CRICKET MOTORING TENNIS SHOOTING HOCKEY FISHING SWIMMING GOLF GYMNASTICS CROQUET ROWING BADMINTON RUNNING LACROSSE BOXING And all the POLO INDOOR QAMES, BOTH OLD AND NEW. One OP more of the above YOU are interested tn, have you our Catalogue of It ? If not, mention which, and we will send by return, fk>ee of all cost to you. A. W. CAM ACE, LTD HOLBORN, LONDON, E.C. >-^.^-^.- xm. jjeii