Page:Forget Me Not (1824).djvu/66

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from Lauterbrunn, meet; and after uniting their streams pursue their headlong course to the Aar.

At certain points of this route the traveller is surprised by the most striking and magnificent views of the dazzling white summit of the Jungfrau to the south, and of the beautiful glacier of the Wetterhorn on the east.

Before I reached Lauterbrunn, I was met by a number of poor boys, who solicited charity in so persuasive a manner that it was impossible to refuse them. “I am a very poor boy,” was the usual cry of these urchins, while extending their little hands; and as soon as they had received a trifle, they gratefully offered themselves for all sorts of services; but they particularly vied with each other in offers to show me the finest places in their valley.

In the French towns you are beset in every street by boys who importune strangers with offers to conduct them to the haunts of vice. Here the innocent children of the herdsmen were desirous to show me the magnificence of their peaceful valleys. Each of these boys had his favourite place: one would have shown me this, another that; and had I accepted all their invitations, I should not have done with them at this day.

At Lauterbrunn I observed several clever carvers in wood, seated at the doors of their cottages, and making the neatest articles of maple,