Page:Forget Me Not (1824).djvu/67

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which are sold far and wide; particularly milk-bowls, milk-ladles, and butter-knives.

We pursued our way, and soon heard at a distance the roar of the Staubbach. This torrent falls eight hundred feet down a perpendicular precipice of the Pletschberg. The eye of the spectator may feast itself for hours together on the extraordinary accidents of this fall. Pouring over the ledge of the abrupt precipice, the water of the stream is broken in its descent into thousands of millions of particles resembling dust, or waves in the air like a light riband of silver, and reaches the bottom in the form of a gentle dew. At times it assumes the appearance of a curtain of gauze, nearly three hundred yards in length, hanging down from the top of the cliff. Such a magnificent work of nature no pen can adequately describe—no pencil represent. The water-works of Versailles are a mere bauble to this cascade.

Opposite to the fall, at the extremity of a simple orchard, stands the parsonage. The pastor’s wife, a blooming young woman, a native of Berne, came out with a chubby child in her arms; and after we had chatted some time, pressed me to walk in and partake of such cheer as the house afforded: but I was obliged to decline the courteous invitation, as I had still a great way to go.