Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/197

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Arbatel of CWagkk. 183

promifes of corporal and eternal benefits, and deterrethus (with threatningof punifliments) from ihofe things which are not profitable for us. Turn over therefore with thy hand, both night and day, thofe holy Writings , that thou mayft be happie in things prefent,and bleflTed to all eternity. Do this , and thou (halt live, which the holy Books have taught thee.

A number of Four is Pjthagorical, and the firfl: Quadrate; therefore here Jet us place the foundation of all wifclom, af- ter the wifdomof God revealed in the holy Scriptures, and to the Considerations propofed in Nature.

Appoint therefore to him who folely dependeth upon God, the wifdom of every creature to fcrve and obey him, nolens volcns, willing or unwilling. And in this, the Omni- potency of God fhineth forth. It confifterh therefore in this, that we will difcern the creatures which fcrve us, from thofe that are unwilling; and that we may learn how to ac- commodate the wifdom and offices of every creature unto our felves. This Art is not delivered, but divinely. Unto whom God will,herevealeth his fecrets; but to whom he will not befiow any thing out of his treafuries , that perfon {hall attain to nothing without the will of God.

Therefore we ought truely to defire riw ^i'^mtW^j^uZuJ from God alone , which will mercifully impart thefe things unto us. For he who hath given us his Son, and command- ed us to pray for his holy Spirit , How much more will he fubjeft unto us the whole creature, and things vifible and invisible? Whatsoever jc<uk,-> /efhall receive. Beware that ye do not abufe the gifts of God , and all things (hall work together unto you for your falvation. And before all things, be watchful in this, That your names be written in heaven: this is more light, That the fpirits be obedient unto you, as Chrift admonifhetb.


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