Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/198

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1 84 Arbatel of Magick.

c/fpkor t 1 1.

In ihe Jtts of the ApojlUs, the Spirit faith unto Peter after the Vifion,(?0 dow»> and doubt not but Jhavefent them , when he was fenc for from Cornelius the Centurion. After this maner, in vocal words, are all difciplines delivered , by the holy Angels of God, as it appeareth one of the Monuments of the ./Egyptians. And thefe things afterwards were vitiated and corrupted with humane opinions ; and by the inftigation of evil fpirits , who fow tares amongft the children of difo- bedience, as it is manifeft out of St. Paul , and Hermes Trif- megiJlHi. There is no other maner of reftoring thefe Arts, then by the doftrine of the holy Spirits of God ; becaufe unc faith cometh by hearing. But becaufe thou mayft be cer- tain of the truth , and mayft not doubt whether the fpirits that fpeak with thee, do declare things true orfalfe, let it onely depend upon thy faith in God; that thou mayft fay with Paul, I know on whom I truU. If no fparrow can fall to the ground without, the will of the Father which is in heaven, How much more will not God fuffer thee to be de- ceived, O thou of little faith, if thou dependeft wholly up- on God, and adhereft onely to him?

cyfphor. 1 3 .

The Lord liveth ; and all things which live, do live in him. And he is truely n>!T», who hath given unto all things , that they be that which they arc : and by his word alone, through his Son, h.uh produced all things out of no- thing, which are in being. He calleth all the (hrs,and all the hoft of heaven by their names. He therefore knoweth the trueftrength ana nature of things, the order and policie of every creature vifible and invifiblc, to whom God hath re- vealed the names of his creatures. It rcmaineth alfo , that he receive power from God, to extra£t the venues in nature, and hidden fecrcts of the creature ; and to produce their


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