Page:Francesca Carrara 3.pdf/29

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three. And now, gentlemen, for the avenue of Southampton!"

A general murmur of assent arose from his little auditory.

"I will ride with you," whispered Charles Goring. "I see that we have each on the uniform of our old regiment; we have fought side by side before now, and will again."

Evelyn clasped the hand which was warmly extended to him; and, turning to the rest, said, "One health, cavaliers, before we part! I see you have kept out the night air by a gallant array of flasks."

Charles Goring stepped forward, and filling a silver cup, offered it to Evelyn, who, bending on one knee, drank, "To the health of King Charles, and to a gay supper to-night in Southampton Castle!"

The toast was drunk unanimously, and the glade rang with acclamations. For a moment all was tumult: the hurried sound of steps, the trampling of the horses, while the birds, disturbed from their quiet roost, fluttered amid the boughs, followed by a shower of dry leaves; and the deer, sleeping in the thickest brakes started up, and galloped off through the crackling bushes.