Page:Francesca Carrara 3.pdf/30

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"God and King Charles! is the watchword," said Evelyn. "Gentlemen, forward!"

"Now, by that God whose name ye so rashly profane, I adjure you to pause, and at least hear the words of his humblest minister, before you adventure forth on your rash and ill-advised expedition!”

For a moment all stood still, and gazed with surprise at the intruder who risked so strange an interference with their counsel. He was a young man, pale with strong excitement, and whose black dress bespoke his calling. Taking advantage of the surprise, which assured him at least transient attention, he continued, addressing himself particularly to Evelyn.

"It matters little," and here a flitting crimson passed over his countenance, "by what means I became acquainted with your present purpose,—Providence directs our weakness to its own wise ends; but I do know that you are bound on an errand of blood, dangerous to others, fatal to yourselves. Let not your rash ambition again bring death into our land. We are now, after sore troubles, at peace; in peace let us remain. What wild and vain hope tempts you to rekindle the flame of civil war so recently extinguished? Why would you again arm father against son, and