Page:Fun upon fun, or, The comical and merry tricks of Leper the tailor (5).pdf/15

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in her keeping, which Leper was sorry, for. It so happened on a day that the tailor had got a drubbing both with tongue and tongs, and he pouched his thimble, and was going to ma :e (illegible text) a queen of her when she saw that, she cried out, O!" will you leave a poor tender dy- ing woman. But Leper, knowing the cause of her ill mature better than his master did, advised him to take her, on a fine day, about a mile out of the town, and give her a walk and he would stay at home and study a remedy for her dis- order-Away they both sent, but as she was complaining for want or health, and that she was very weak she cried frequently out, O!' is a crying a sin to take a woman in my condition out o'er the door. During their absence, Leper goes and searches her bed, and below thebols erhegets a bottle of rare whisky, of which he takes a hearty puil, and then pisses in it to make it up, gets a half penny worth of snuff, and puts it in also, shakes altogether, and so sets it in iis place again--Hume they cane,