Page:Fun upon fun, or, The comical and merry tricks of Leper the tailor (5).pdf/16

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and she was exceedingly distressed as a woman could be, and cried out, it was a horrid thing to take her out of the house. The tailor, seeing her so bad, thought she would have died, ran as fast as he could tor a dram, but she, in her hypocrisy, pretended she could not take it, and called on him to help her to bed, into which le lays her. He was not well gone when she fell to her bottle, taking two or three hearty gluts. then she roars out, Murder, I am poisoned I'm poisoned. --Bocking and purging began, and the neighbours were called in ; she leaves her blood upon poor Le- per, and te'ss how such an honest woman brought her ae bottle as another was done, and the murdering loon had sto- len it, and put in a bottle of poison instead of it. Leper took to his heels, but was pursued and carried before a justice of the peace, where he told all he had done, which made the justice laugh heartily at the joke, and the tailor's wife was well purged from her feigned sickness, laziness, and cursed ill nature; for al-