Page:Future of England - Peel.djvu/242

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Penal Code, 110
Pepys, cited, 133
Peter the Great, cited, 16
Pitt, cited, 131
Plato, cited, 94
Poland, 22
Poor Law Commission of 1909, 39, 97
Prices, rise of, 76-78
Prussia, 11
Racine, 13
Ramsay, Sir William, 46
Rangoon, 184
Reformation, the, 108
Renan, cited, 201
Renault on arbitration, 157
Revolutions in Europe, 125
Richelieu, 24
Rosebery, Lord, cited, 126, 149
Ross, Professor Ronald, cited, 186
Rural exodus, 58-59
Russia, economics of, 136-137
Salisbury, Lord, cited, 15, 120, 128, 147
and concert of Europe, 155-156
Schilling, 14
Schopenhauer, cited, 199
Science and industry, 61-65
Scindia, 194
Sentimentalism, danger of, 111
Shipping industry, 73-74
Sivaji, 194
Skobeleff, cited, 138
Socialism defined, 36
and industry, 52
municipal, 33
Socrates, cited, 92
Spain, policy of, 23
Spencer, Herbert, cited, 35
State and religion, 107-112
Stephen, Sir James, cited, 179
Stoics, 20
Strachey, Sir John, cited, 183, 196-197, 211
Strike, the general, 42
Swaraj, 209-210
Syad Ahmad Khan, cited, 192
Syndicalism defined, 37
and industry, 53
Taine, cited, 133-134
Talleyrand, cited, 119
Tariffs, foreign, 47
Technical high schools, 100
instruction, Commission on, 45
Thirty Years' War, 11-12
Thomas, Saint, 205
Tocqueville, cited, 131
Torcy, cited, 16
Tolstoi on education, 97
Trade-Unionism defined, 36
Travancore, Maharajah of, 194
Treaty of Paris, 1782, 165
of Vienna, 131
of Westphalia, 130-131
Treitschke, cited, 134
Triple Alliance, 145
Tudors, the, 30
Turenne, 9
Turkey and Europe, 128-129
Udaipur, Maharana of, 194
United States and England, 164-165
and peace, 121-122
Vauban, 9
Vedantism, 207
Vergennes, cited, 16
Victoria, Queen, 15
Vivekananda, the Swami, cited, 199
Voltaire, cited, 13
Walpole, Spencer, cited, 32
War, the South African, 123
Wellesley, Lord, cited, 220
William III., 25
Yorkshire, wages in, 74


Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh.