Page:Future of England - Peel.djvu/241

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India, boys of, 189
caste in, 190-191
and Christianity, 205-208
education in, 187-190
medical colleges in, 185
plague in, 186
provinces of, 212
public finance of, 180
sanitation in, 185-187
services of, to England, 220-221
Indian colleges, 189
constitution, 210-220
empire, toleration in, 6
factories, 188
frontier, 177
women, status of, 192-193
Industrial demand, 66
demand and empire, 69
Industrial Efficiency, cited, 49
Industrial organisation, 31
revolution, 30
causes of, 27-28
Industrial Syndicalist, cited, 37
Industrial system, amendments of, 53 et seq.
soundness of, 35
twofold influence in, 38-39
Industrialism, purpose of, 30
Industry, speeding up of, 73
Infantile mortality, 91-92
Innocent III., cited, 21
Investments, foreign, 68-69
James II., 8
Japanese alliance of 1902, 163
Joseph II., emperor, 11
Kant, 14
King-Emperor, cited, 213
Kitchener, Lord, 172
Labour, casual, 39-40, 71-72, 106
Labouring classes, condition of, 32
La Fontaine, 13
on arbitration, 156
Lancashire, wages in, 55, 74
Lansdowne, Lord, cited, 150-151, 154
Law in Asia, 179
Lessing, 14
Liberty, nature of, 26
three stages of, 19
Life and Labour in London, cited, 39
Liverpool and labour, 72
Lollards, 25
London artisans, 49
industries, 51
Louis XI., 23
Louis XIV., 13, 23
Lugard, Sir F., 171
Lyall, Sir Alfred, 197
Maine, Sir H., cited, 131, 179
Maistre, Joseph de, cited, 130
Malherbe, 13
Mann, Mr. Tom, 37, 41
Mazarin, 24
Mazzini, cited, 119
Metternich, Prince, cited, 124,135
Michelet, cited, 16
Mill, James, cited, 123
Mill, J. S., cited, 202
Minimum, the national, 75-76
Minto, Lord, cited, 182
Mirabeau, cited, 124
Mohammed el Tounsy, cited, 173
Mohammedan Asiatics, 174
Molière, 13
Moltke, cited, 119
Monarchy, English, 14-15
Monroe doctrine, 122
Montaigne, 13
Montesquieu, cited, 19
Moriscoes, 23
Morley, Lord, cited, 213, 215, 217, 219
Mortality, infantile, 91-92
Napoleon, 12
cited, 135, 169, 197
National character, effect of, 10
Nationality, nature of, 3
Native states of India, 182
Nesselrode, cited, 163-164
Netherlands, 23
and Europe, 130
Nivedita, Sister, 192
Ollivier, cited, 16
Omar, cited, 195
Othman and Foulah empire, 173
Palmerston, cited, 131
Pan-Germanism, 140-141
Pan-Slavism, 137-139
Parma, 9
Peel, Sir Robert, 110
and economy, 33
cited, 114, 146