Page:Galileo Galilei and the Roman Curia (IA cu31924012301754).pdf/308

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come to his ears that some people were writing in defence of the Copernican system. Niccolini hastened to assure him that Galileo was not in the least implicated in it, and that it was done entirely without his knowledge. Urban answered drily, that he had not been exactly informed that Galileo had anything to do with it, but he had better beware of the Holy Office. In spite of reiterated urgent entreaty, Niccolini could get nothing more definite about Galileo's release than the above evasive promise, and he communicated the doubtful success of his mission to Cioli in a despatch of 13th November,[1] in rather a depressed state of mind.

Urban was not disposed to grant a full pardon to Galileo, and therefore made a pretext of the Congregation to the ambassador, as if the decision depended upon it, whereas it rested entirely with himself. Niccolini, however, still persisted in his efforts. He went to Cardinal Barberini and other members of the Holy Office, warmly recommending him to their protection.[2] Meanwhile an indisposition of the Pope, which lasted fourteen days, delayed the decision, as the Congregation did not venture to come to any without his concurrence. At length he made his appearance in the sitting of the Congregation of 1st December, and through the mediation of Cardinal Barberini, the petition for Galileo's release was at once laid before him.[3] It was refused; but he was to be permitted to retire to a villa at Arcetri, a miglio from Florence, where he was to remain until he heard further; he was not to receive any visits, but to live in the greatest retirement.[4] Niccolini informed him of this amelioration of his circumstances in a letter of 3rd December,[5] with the expression of great regret that he could not at present obtain his entire liberation. He added that the Pope had

  1. Op. ix. pp. 447, 448.
  2. Comp. Niccolini's despatch to Cioli, 3rd Dec. (Op. ix. p. 448.)
  3. Vat. MS. fol. 534 ro.
  4. Vat. MS., fol. without paging after 534; also Gherardi's Documents, Doc. xx.
  5. Op. ix. pp. 407, 408.