Page:Galileo Galilei and the Roman Curia (IA cu31924012301754).pdf/368

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21st June, the date of the last examination, while the numbering, which is that of the second paging only, shows that the union had taken place. The title page also is included in the second paging. We may therefore conclude that the authorship of the Introduction and the joining of the Acts up to 10th May, 1633, is to be attributed to the same person.

The object of this report undoubtedly was to give the Pope and Congregation, before their final verdict on Galileo, a résumé of the whole affair from its beginning. The united Acts were the vouchers. The drawing up of such a résumé was part of the ordinary proceeding in every trial before the Inquisition, and it had to be circulated among the cardinals and qualifiers before the final sitting.[1] As in Galileo's case this final sitting took place on 16th June, under the personal presidency of the Pope, it is in exact agreement with this that both the summary and paging referred to in it only extend to the events of 16th June.

As to the addition of the further documents, it may be observed that after the papers were put together the collection ended with six second pages, of which four, 448, 449, 450, 451, belonged to the opinion of Pasqualigus; and two, 452, 453, to the protocol of the examination of Galileo of 12th April, 1633. The annotation about the decree of 16th June, 1633, was written on the reverse side of the last second page, 451, forming part of the above-named document, and the three previous pages were left blank. The protocol on the Constitute of Galileo of 21st June was written on the blank sheets of 12th April. On the re-

  1. "Quando si havra a terminare qualche causa al S. Off. appartenente converra, che prima ai formi il caso in cui brevemente si ristringano ineriti della causa e tutti i punti substantiale del processo, etc. . . . Poscia mandatalo a ciascuno de Sig Consultori entrera con esso loro opportunamente nella Congregatione," etc. ("Sacro Arsenale," etc. Bologna, 1665. Masini's ed., pp. 345, 346).