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A List of

BRAVE Men's Footsteps, By the Editor of 'Men who have Risen,' A Book of Example and Anecdote for Young People. With Four Illustrations by C. Doyle. Third Edition. Crown 8yo. price 35. 6d.

CHILDREN'S Toys, and some Elementary Lessons in General Knowledge which they teach. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. cloth, price 5s.

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DANVERS (N. R.)—LITTLE MINNIE'S TROUBLES: an Every-day Chronicle. With 4 Illustrations by W. H. Hughes. Fcp. cloth, price 3s. 6d.

Pixte's ADVENTURES; or, the Tale of a Terrier, With 21 Illustrations. 16mo. cloth, price 4s. 6d.

NANNY. With numerous Illustrations. Square 16mo, cloth.

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RAMBLES AND ADVENTURES OF OUR ScHooLt Fretp Ciur, With Four Illustrations. Crown 8vo, price 5s.

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EDMONDS (Herbert) —Well SPENT Lives: a Series of Modern Biographies. Crown 8vo. price 5s.

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LEE (Holme)\—HER TITLE or Honour. A. Book for Girls. New Edition. With a Frontispiece. Crown 8yo, price Ss.

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LiTTLE MINnNIE's TROUBLES: an Everyday Chronicle, With Four Illustrations by W. H. Hughes. Fecap. price 3s. 6d.


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AT SCHOOL WITH AN OLD DRAGOON, With Six Illustrations, Third Edition. Crown 8vo, price 5s.

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Master Bobby. By the Author of "Christina North." With Six Illustrations. Fcp, 8vo, cloth,