Page:Gaskell--A dark night's work.djvu/313

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By the same Author,

Author of "Jane Eyre," "Shirley," "Villette," &c. With
Portrait. Post 8vo. Price 7s. 6d. cloth.

Also a Cheap Edition. Fcap. 8vo. Price 2s. 6d. cloth.

A few copies of the Library Edition, in Two Volumes,
Post 8vo, price 24s. cloth, may still be had.



"It is rarely that we find a portrait of literary character with such a remarkable setting, and as rare to find an author whose works are so popular, so vivid, and distinctive, and whose personal history was so utterly unknown. A sister authoress, gifted herself with superior powers, has described, with true woman's sympathy and eagerness, the whole course of the life which is now closed for ever. We regard the record as a monument of courage and endurance, of suffering and triumph.... All the secrets of the literarv^ workmanship of the authoress of 'Jane Eyre' are unfolded in the course of this extraordinary narrative."

(Fraser's Magazine.)

"Mrs. Gaskell has done her work well. Her narrative is simple, direct, and unaffected. She dwells on her friend's character with womanly tact, thorough understanding, and delicate, sisterly tenderness. The extracts from the letters are excellently selected, and they are remarkable letters. Many parts of the book cannot be read without deep, even painful emotion. It is a life always womanly; and we are thankful that such a life should have been written by the author of 'Ruth.' No one else could have paid so tender and discerning a tribute to the memory of Charlotte Bronte."