Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/79

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moment later the front door opened. "Well, I swanny!" she exclaimed. "If 'taint Charlotte Marlin, growed out of all knowledge!"

If Charlotte had made that call the day before she would have contented herself with a quiet smile and a polite "How are you?" And quietness would have been met with quietness, and politeness with a dignified gentility. But this was a new Charlotte who was calling on Mrs. Johnson, a girl who wanted everybody to like her and who was willing to pay the reasonable price of liking everybody in exchange. So, instead of a quiet smile and a polite "How are you?" she danced up to Dame Johnson with a sparkle in her eye and planted such a kiss upon that withered old cheek that, as if by magic, a gentle color immediately blossomed there; for, oh, it had been many a year since a pair of young arms had folded themselves around Dame Johnson's shoulders, or a