Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/80

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pair of young lips had pressed themselves against her cheek!

They chatted together for nearly half an hour, and the more they talked the more Charlotte found to like in her lonely old hostess. If you could only have heard the different things they talked about! But, in the first place, it would take too long; and, in the second place, it wasn't so much the things they said that counted as the way they said them.

It was the way they smiled at each other, the rich little duets of laughter they indulged in, the breathless nods of the head, the sympathetic faces they pulled, the delighted little snorts, and all those graces and adornments of speech which can only flourish in the warmth of understanding, and wilt away completely in the first cold blast that blows—little graces and adornments which quite defy description.

But one thing I can tell you: When