Page:Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar (1910 Kautzsch-Cowley edition).djvu/238

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on יְרַד Ju 5, see § 69 g. Finally, on דַּלְיוּ, which is referred to Piʿēl by some, as a supposed imperative, see above, u.

 [cc 12. Examples of apocopated imperatives in Piʿēl and Hithpaʿēl are: צַו, also צַוֵּה command thou, גַּל open thou, ψ 119; מַן prepare thou, ψ 61; נַס for נַסֵּה prove thou, Dn 1; הִתְחָ֑ל feign thyself sick, 2 S 13; cf. Dt 2.—On רַבֶּה Ju 9, cf. § 48 l.—In ψ 137 עָ֫רוּ rase it, is found twice instead of עָר֫וּ (for ‛arrû) for rhythmical reasons (cf., however, וִיעָ֫רוּ in the imperfect, 2 Ch 24).

 [dd 13. Examples of forms in which the Yôdh is retained are the imperfects תְּדַמְּיוּן Is 40, cf. verse 25 and 46; יְכַסְיֻמ֑וּ they cover them, Ex 15; participle Puʿal מְמֻֽחָיִם Is 25; for אֲרַיָּ֫וֶךְ Is 16 (from רָוָה) read with Margolis, אֲרַוַּ֫יִךְ.

IV. On Hiphʿîl and Hophʿal.

 [ee 14. The 3rd sing.perfect Hiphʿîl sometimes has Seghôl in the first syllable instead of ĭ (§ 53 p), especially in הֶגְלָה (but perfect consecutive וְהִגְלָה 2 K 24), הֶרְאָה, הֶלְאָה; also with suffixes, e.g. הֶגְלָם 1 Ch 8, הָלְאָ֑נִי Jb 16, וְהֶפְדָּהּ Ex 21. The Seghôl also occurs in the 1st sing., e.g. הָלְאֵתִ֫יךָ Mi 6. On וְהַרְאֵיתִי Na 3, cf. § 53 p. The forms with ê in the second syllable (also written defectively, as וְהִכֵּתִ֫י Jer 21) are found throughout in the 1st sing. (except Pr 5), rarely in the 2nd sing. masc., and never in the 1st plur. In the other persons they are about equally common with î, except in the 2nd plur., where î predominates. Before suffixes the forms with î predominate throughout; cf., however, ê in Ex 4, Mi 6, Pr 4. On the tone of the perf. consec. Hiph. of ל״ה, see § 49 k. In Hophʿal only ־ֵי occurs in the 2nd syllable.

 [ff 15. In the infinitive Hiphʿîl of רָבָה to be abundant, besides the construct הַרְבּוֹת we find the absolute הַרְבָּה taking the place of the common form הַרְבֵּה, which had come to be used invariably (but König calls attention to its use as infinitive construct in Ez 21) as an adverb, in the sense of much; in 2 S 14 the Qe requires הַרְבַּת for the Kethîbh הַרְבִּית, an evident scribal error for הַרְבּוֹת. Cf. Gn 41, 22, Dt 28; the pointing הַרְבֶּה Jer 42 probably arises from regarding this form as a noun.—On הַמְּרוֹת Jb 17 (with Dageš f. dirimens) see § 20 h.—In 2 K 3 הַכּוֹת (before א) is probably infinitive absolute, used in order to avoid the hiatus, cf. § 113 x, and on a similar case in Qal, see above, n.—On the infinitives with elision of the ה, cf. § 53 q.

 [gg 16. The shortened imperfect Hiphʿîl either takes no helping vowel, as יַפְתְּ let him enlarge, Gn 9; יַרְדְּ he shall subdue, Is 41; וַיַּשְׁקְ and he watered, Gn 29, &c.; וַיַּרְא and he showed, 2 K 11 (see § 28 d): or else has a helping vowel, as יֶ֫גֶל (for יַ֫גֶל, see § 27 r), e.g. 2 K 18; וַיֶּ֫פֶר ψ 105; וַתֶּ֫מֶר Ez 5; וַיֶּ֫תַע 2 Ch 33; וארב i.e. probably וָאֶ֫רֶב Jos 24 Kethîbh (וָאַֽרְבֶּה Qe).—Examples of verbs first guttural: וַיַּ֫עַל Nu 23, וָאַ֫עַל, &c., which can be distinguished as Hiphʿîl from the similar forms in Qal only by the sense.—The apocopated imperative Hiphʿîl always (except in verbs פ״ן, e.g. הַךְ, הַט, § 76 c) has a helping vowel, Seghôl or Pathaḥ, e.g. הֶ֫רֶב increase thou (for harb, הַרְבֵּה) ψ 51 Qe, also Ju 20; where, however, it cannot be explained the text stands; הֶ֫רֶף let alone (for הַרְףְּ, הַרְפֵּה Dt 9, &c.; הַ֫עַל (for הַֽעֲלֵה) Ex 8, 33; but for הָשַׁע ψ 39, which could only be imperative Hiphʿîl of שָׁעַע (=smear over, as in Is 6), read with Baethgen שְׁעֵה look away.—The imperfect Hiphʿîl with Yôdh retained occurs only in תּוֹגְיוּן Jb 19, from יָגָה. Cf. u.