Page:Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar (1910 Kautzsch-Cowley edition).djvu/240

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אַפְאֵיהֶם Dt 32; יְכַסֵּ֫ימוֹ ψ 140 Qe; הַכֵּ֫ינִי smite me, 1 K 20; cf. Hb 3, Is 38. Even in these examples a return to the original ending ay might be assumed; but perhaps they are merely due to a less correct plene writing. In the 3rd sing. perf. fem. the older form גָּלַת (see i) is always used before a suffix, e.g. כִּלַּ֫תּוּ (for כִּלַּתְהוּ) Zc 5; in pause עָשָׂ֑תְנִי Jb 33; רָאָֽתְךָ 42.

VI. The Relation between Verbs ל״ה and ל״א


 [nn 20. The close relation existing between verbs ל״א and ל״ה is shown in Hebrew by the fact that the verbs of one class often borrow forms from the other, especially in the later writers and the poets.

 [oo 21. Thus there are forms of verbs ל״א

(a) Which have adopted the vowels of verbs ל״ה, e.g. perfect Qal כָּלִ֫אתִי I have refrained, ψ 119; participle חוֹטֶא (חֹטֶא) sinning, Ec 2, 8, 9; cf. Is 65; מוֹצֶא Ec 7; נשֶׁא lending, 1 S 22; Piʿēl perfect מִלָּא he has filled, Jer 51; cf. 1 K 9, Am 4 (where, however, the perfect Niph. is perhaps intended), ψ 89, 143; רִפִּ֫אתִו I heal, 2 K 2; cf. Jer 51; imperfect יְגַמֶּא Jb 39; Niphʿal perfect נִפְלְאַ֫תָה (like נִגְלְתֶה) it was wonderful, 2 S 1; Hiphʿîl perfect הִפְלָא Dt 28; תֶחְבְּאַ֫תָה (not ־אָ֫תָה, cf. above, 2 S 1) she hid, Jos 6. On the other hand, forms like חֹטִאים 1 S 14, קֹרִאים ψ 99, נִרְפּאוּ Ez 47, תְּדַכּאוּנַ֫נִי, according to the correct reading, Jb 19 (cf. Gn 31 אֲחַטֶּ֫נָה), and יְראוּ imperative plur. masc. from יָרֵא Jos 24, 1 S 12, ψ 34, are due to the elision of the א, see § 74 i. On יִנָּשׂוּא Jer 10 and נָשׂוּא ψ 139, see § 23 i.

 [pp (b) Forms in ה, but keeping their ל״א vowels, e.g. imperfect Qal אֶרְפָּה Jer 3; imperative רְפָה heal thou, ψ 60; Niphʿal; נֶחְבָּה Jer 49 (which must evidently be a perfect; read with Ewald the infinitive absolute נֶחְבֹּה as in verse 23), and הֵחָבֵה to hide oneself, 1 K 22, cf. Jer 19; Piʿēl imperfect יְמַלֵּה he will fill, Jb 8.

 [qq (c) Forms entirely of a ל״ה character, e.g. perfect Qal וְצֶמִת and when thou art athirst, Ru 2, cf. 2 S 3; כָּלוּ they shut up, 1 S 6; cf. 25; מָלוּ they are full, Ez 28, cf. 39; infinitive חֲטוֹ (see above, n) to sin, Gn 20 (on מְלֹאת see above, § 74 h); imperative sing. fem. חֲבִי Is 26; imperfect יִכְלֶה (for יִכְלָא) he will keep back, Gn 23; תִּרְפֶּ֫ינָה they heal, Jb 5; participle בּוֹוטֶה Pr 12; fem. יׄצָא Ec 10; plur. צֹבֶ֫יהָ Is 29; participle passive נָשׂוּי ψ 32; Niphʿal נִרְפָּ֫תָה Jer 51; נִבֵּ֫יתָ thou hast prophesied, Jer 26 (cf. ψ 139, Jb 18); imperfect וַיֵּרָֽפוּ 2 K 2 (infinitive Jer 19); Piʿēl imperfect וַיְרַפּוּ Jer 8, cf. Gn 31; Hiphʿîl participle מַקְנֶה Ez 8; Hithpa‛el הִתְנַבִּ֫יתָ 1 S 10; infinitive הִתְנַבּוֹת 1 S 10. For the Kethîbh להשות 2 K 19, Jablonski and others require as Qe the form לְהַשְׁאוֹת (so Is 37); the Kethîbh would have to be read לַהְשׁוֹת, with elision of the א and retraction of the vowel.

 [rr 22. On the other hand, there are forms of verbs ל״ה, which wholly or in part follow the analogy of verbs ל״א, e.g. in their consonants אָתָא he comes, Is 21; בָּרָא 2 S 12 (textus receptus בָּרָה); וְרָצִ֫אתִי Ez 43; יִשְׂגֶּא Jb 8; יִשְׁנֶא La 4; וַיֶּֽחֶלֶא 2 Ch 16; תִּקְרֶ֫אנָה Ex 1, Lv 10; תְּלֻאִים Dt 28 (cf. Ho 11); נִקְרֹא (infin. absol. Niphʿal beside נִקְרֵ֫יתִי) 2 S 1; שִׁנָּא 2 K 25; מְרַפֵּא