Page:Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar (1910 Kautzsch-Cowley edition).djvu/261

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 [i (c) Ground-form măqṭĭl, Hebr. מַקְטֵל, e.g. מַשְׁעֵן a support (fem. מַשְׁעֵנָה), מַסְגֵּר a smith, מַֽעֲשֵׂר a tithe; fem. מַכְשֵׁלָה a ruin; from a verb פ״ן, מַגֵּפָה an overthrow, מַצֵּבָה a pillar; from verbs ע״ע, מָגֵן a shield; fem. מְגִלָּה a roll (from גָּלַל), מְאֵרָה a curse (for me’irrā from אָרַר); from a verb פ״ו, מוֹקֵשׁ a snare (from măwqĭš).

 [k (d) Ground-form mĭqṭĭl, Hebr. מִקְטֵל, e.g. מִסְפֵּד mourning, מִוְבֵּחַ an altar (place of sacrifice); from a verb ע״ע, e.g. מֵסֵב (מֵסַב?) consessus; (e) ground-from măqṭŭl, Hebr. מַקְטֹל; fem. מַֽאֲכֹ֫לֶת food, מַשְׂכֹּ֫רֶת wages; from a verb ע״ע, fem. מְסֻכָּה a covering (from סָכַךְ). Also from ע״ע, according to the Masora, מָעוֹז a refuge, with suffixes מָֽעֻוִּי and מָֽעוּזִּי, plur. מָֽעֻזִּים, but, very probably, most if not all of these forms are to be referred to the stem עוּז to flee for safety, and therefore should be written מְעוֹזִי, &c. The form מָעֹז, if derived from the stem עזז, would mean stronghold.—Cf. also מֹ֫רֶךְ faintness, developed to a segholate, probably from מְרֹךְ, for mărōkh from רָכַךְ, like מְתֹם soundness of body, from תָּמַם.

 [l With a long vowel in the second syllable: (f) ground-form maqṭâl, with â always obscured to ô, e.g. מַחְסוֹר want, מַלְקוֹחַ booty; from verbs ע״וּ, e.g. מָגוֹר fear, fem. מְגוֹרָה and מְגוּרָה (with the ô depressed to û in a toneless syllable; cf. § 27 n), מְהוּמָה, &c., Is 22. (g) Ground-form mĭqṭâl, in Hebr. again מִקְטוֹל, e.g. מִסְתּוֹר a covert, מִכְשׁוֹל a stumbling-block (cf. above under i, măkhšēlā); fem. מִכְמֹ֫רֶת a fishing-net; (h) the ground-forms maqṭîl, miqṭîl (cf. מֵקִים) are found only in participles Hiphʿîl; the fem. מַבְלִיגִית, cheerfulness, is a denominative formed from a participle Hiphʿîl; (i) ground-form măqṭûl, as מַלְבּוּשׁ a garment.

 [m Rem. On מ‍ as preformative of the participles of all the conjugations except Qal and Niphʿal, cf. § 52 c. Many of these participles have become substantives, as מְזַמֶּ֫רֶת snuffers, מַשְׁחִית destroyer, destruction.

 [n 49. Nouns with נ‍ prefixed. Besides the participles Niphʿal (ground-form năqṭăl, still retained e.g. in נוֹלָד for năwlād, but commonly attenuated to nıqṭăl, Hebr. נִקְטָל) and the infinitive Niphʿal of the form נִקְטֹל, the prefix נ‍ is found in נַפְתּוּלִים wrestlings, Gn 30, which is also to be referred to Niphʿal, and נָזִיד boiled pottage (stem זיד).

 [o 50. With שׁ prefixed, e.g. שַׁלְהֶ֫בֶת a flame. On this Šaph‛ēl formation, cf. § 55 i.

 [p 51. Nouns with ת prefixed. Examples of this formation are numerous, especially from weak stems, for the purpose of strengthening them phonetically (see Barth, ibid., p. 283), and notably from verbs פ״ו and ע״וּ. They may be classified as follows:—(a) the ground-form tăqṭăl in תַּחְמָס ostrich (?); from verbs פ״ו, תּוֹשָׁב a settler; fem. תּוֹחֶ֫לֶת expectation, תּוֹכַ֫חַת (from the Hiphʿîl הוֹכִיתַ) correction; from a verb פ״י, תֵּימָן the south; from verbs פ״ו and ל״ה, תּוֹדָה thanksgiving, and תּוֹרָה law, both from Hiphʿîl; from a verb פ״ו and ל״א, תּֽוֹצָאוֹת issues; probably belonging to this class, from verbs ע״ע, תֶּ֫בֶל confusion, and תֶּ֫מֶס a melting away (developed from תְּבַל and תְּמַס, from בָּלַל and מָסַס).

 [q (b) Tĭqṭăl, e.g. fem. תִּפְאָרָה and תִּפְאֶ֫רֶת glory; from a verb ל״ה, e.g. תִּקְוָה hope; (c) tăqṭĭl, e.g. תַּשְׁבֵּץ chequer work; fem. תַּרְדֵּמָה deep sleep (probably from the Niphʿal נִרְדַּם); from a verb פ״ו, תּֽוֹכֵחָה correction (from the Hiphʿîl-stem, like the constr. st. plur. תּֽוֹלְדוֹת generations); from verbs ע״ע, תְּהִלָּה praise, תְּפִלָּה prayer (from the Piʿēl of the stems הָלַל and פָּלַל).