Page:Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar (1910 Kautzsch-Cowley edition).djvu/345

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supported by the rather numerous examples of cohortative forms after wāw consec. of the imperfect (cf. § 49 e, as also ψ 66 שָׁם נִשְׂמְחָה there did we rejoice[1]; ψ 119 וָֽאֲתַעֵ֑בָה; Pr 7), which can likewise only be explained as forms chosen merely for euphony, and therefore due to considerations of rhythm.

 [h 2. The cohortative is strange after עַד־ ψ 73 until I went... אָבִ֫ינָה I considered their latter end; possibly a pregnant construction for ‘until I made up my mind, saying, I will consider’, &c. (but אָבִ֫ינָה Pr 7 is still dependent on the preceding וָ); עַד־אַרְגִּ֫יעָה Pr 12 is at any rate to be explained in the same way (in Jer 49, 50 we have כִּי־א׳ with a similar meaning), as long as I (intentionally) wink with the eyelashes (shall wink). On the other hand, in Ex 32 אֲכַפֵּר is to be read, with the Samaritan, instead of אֲכַפְּרָה after אוּלַי.

§109. Use of the Jussive.

 [a As the cohortative is used in the 1st pers., so the jussive is especially found in the 2nd and 3rd pers. sing. and plur. to express a more or less definite desire that something should or should not happen (cf. for its form, which frequently coincides with that of the ordinary imperfect,[2] § 48 f, g). More particularly its uses may be distinguished as follows:

1. The jussive standing alone, or co-ordinated with another jussive:

 [b (b) In affirmative sentences to express a command, a wish (or a blessing), advice, or a request; in the last case (the optative or precative) it is frequently strengthened by the addition of נָא. Examples: Gn 1 יְהִי אוֹר let there be light! Gn 1, 9, 11, &c. (the creative commands); Nu 6 the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace! cf. verse 25. After particles expressing a wish, Gn 30 לוּ יְהִי I would it might be; ψ 81 אִם־תִּשְׁמַע־לִי if thou wouldest hearken unto me! As a humble request, Gn 44... יֵֽשֶׁב־נָא עַבְדְּךָ... וְהַנַּ֫עַי יַ֫עַל let thy servant, I pray thee, abide, &c., and let the lad go up, &c., Gn 47.

 [c (b) In negative sentences to express prohibition or dissuasion, warning, a negative wish (or imprecation), and a request. The prohibitive particle used before the jussive (according to § 107 o) is almost always אַל־ (in negative desires and requests frequently

  1. Analogous to this cohortative (as equivalent to the imperfect) after שָׁם is the use of the historic imperf. after אָז, § 107 c.
  2. With regard to verbs ל״ה, it is true that the full form of the imperfect is frequently used with the meaning of the jussive (as also for the cohortative, see § 108 a, note 2), e.g. אַל־יִרְאֶה Jb 3 (but previously יְקַו let it look for!):especially in (Neh 2) and immediately before the principal pause, Gn 1 תֵּֽרָאֶה; Ju 6 יִהְֽיֶה, but previously יְהִי־נָא; Is 47 תֵּֽרָאֶה, previously תִּגָּל; ψ 109. On the attempt to distinguish such jussives from the imperfect by means of a special meaning ־ֵה, see § 75 hh.